Sparrow Binary Installation Guide
Download the Binary from GitHub
Open in a web browser.
Click the release icon.
Select the appropriate release.
Scroll down to download the
is optional).
Upload the Binary using STM32CubeProgrammer
Power Sparrow
Connect STLINK-V3MINI to Sparrow
Select ST-LINK from pulldown menu
Select Reset Mode: Hardware Reset
Click the Connect button
Click the "Erasing & programming" button.
Click the Browse button and select a local copy of the
file you just downloaded.Click the "Start Programming" button
Wait for the download to complete and your Sparrow to reboot
Connect to the STLINK-V3MINI serial terminal at 9600-8-N-1
Press RESET button on Sparrow
Verify the updated firmware by referencing the banner message (example shown below)
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Upload the Binary using STM32_Programmer_CLI
Power Sparrow
Connect STLINK-V3MINI to Sparrow
Upload the local copy of the
file you just downloaded:STM32_Programmer_CLI --connect port=SWD reset=HWrst --write ~/Downloads/sparrow.elf --verify --go
Wait for the download to complete and your Sparrow to reboot
Connect to the STLINK-V3MINI serial terminal at 9600-8-N-1
Press RESET button on Sparrow
Verify the updated firmware by referencing the banner message (example shown below)
=================== ===== SPARROW ===== =================== Feb 24 2022 15:19:28